Desktop app
Please visit this page from your computer to download the desktop version of the app.
Follow these easy steps to activate a book
  • Go to and sign up or login with a username and password.
  • Go to the “Activate book” section and choose the textbook you wish to access.
  • Use the code included in your textbook to access it at your leisure.
Follow these easy steps to activate a book

Best app features

What makes our app so special? Discover all the ways in which this reader is transforming teaching and reading.

Best app features

Our app features exciting new audio-visual tools to facilitate learning.


Our digital suite is easy to use and brings together all your textbooks in one convenient mobile package.


Accessible from any browser and available through App Store and Google Play.

Here are some examples of activities you can do in the classroom

Our app includes a wide range of fun and engaging activities made possible by the interactive tools at your disposal. From audio readings of relevant texts to dynamic highlighting of specific sections, from live editing and annotations to superposing related content, the only limit is your imagination.

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